research in particle physics

p3a - particle physics preprint archive

p3a-2004-001 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 894 kb ]
Title: Patterns in the Meson Mass Spectrum
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2004-07-28
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 30 pages, 25 figures

p3a-2004-002 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 18 kb ]
Title: Particle Mass-Formulae
Authors: Simone Giani
Date: 2004-03-02
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 2 pages, originally published as preprint CERN-OPEN-2004-004

p3a-2005-001 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 646 kb ]
Title: Meson Shells
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2005-03-01, revised 2005-03-13
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 14 pages, 9 figures
p3a-2005-002 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 188 kb ]
Title: Mass constraints and the identity of the X(3872) and X(3940) mesons
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2005-06-10
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures
p3a-2005-003 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 675 kb ]
Title: Electron generation of leptons and hadrons with reciprocal alpha-quantized lifetimes and masses
Authors: Malcolm H. Mac Gregor
Date: 2005-06-10
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 106 pages, 33 figures, invited review article, postprint
Journal-ref: electronic version of an article published as International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2005) 719-798; doi:10.1142/S0217751X05021117 and addendum International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 20, No. 13 (2005) 2893-2894; doi:10.1142/S0217751X05025000 © copyright World Scientific Publishing Company.

p3a-2005-004 [ under revision, currently not available ]
Title: The nature of the 10 low-mass Dubna mesons
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2005-06-26
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures
p3a-2005-005 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 126 kb ]
Title: Seven at one blow: the mass system of the Theta(+) baryons
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2005-08-11
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures
p3a-2006-001 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 345 kb ]
Title: The Meson Mass System
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2006-06-10
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at the 9th International Workshop "Meson Production, Properties and Interaction" (Meson2006), Krakow, 9-13 June 2006;
Journal-ref: electronic version of an article published as International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 22, Nos. 2-3 (2007) 546-549; doi:10.1142/S0217751X0703580X © copyright World Scientific Publishing Company.

p3a-2006-002 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 245 kb ]
Title: Are Hadrons Shell-Structured?
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2006-10-18
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at the 8th International Symposium "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics" (FFP8), Madrid, 17-19 October 2006
Proceedings-ref: published in AIP Conf. Proc. 905 (2007) 120-122

p3a-2007-001 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 312 kb , slides: pdf, 5.5 Mb]
Title: Linear Mass Rules and Hadronic Shells: the Baryons
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2007-10-07
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, talk presented at the XII Int. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy " (HADRON 07), Frascati, October 8-13, 2007
Proceedings-ref: published in Frascati Physics Series Vol. 46 (2007) 1359-1366

p3a-2008-001 [ abstract, slides: pdf, 6.8 Mb]
Title: Particle Discovery: the 4th Wave
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2008-01-09
Subject: Particle Physics - History
Comments: talk presented at the 9th International Symposium "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics" (FFP9), Udine and Trieste, 7-9 January 2008

p3a-2009-001 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 984 KB]
Title: Progress in Nuclear Physics through the FCC Lattice Model
Authors: Norman D. Cook
Date: 2009-12-21
Subject: Nuclear Physics - Theory
Comments: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

p3a-2014-001 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 1.5 MB]
Title: Hadron Spectroscopy and the Structure of the Proton
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2014-05-28
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 42 pages, slides from a talk at 2nd Workshop on Detectors for Forward Physics at LHC La Biodola, Elba, Italy, May 28-30 2014

p3a-2014-002 [ abstract, full-text: pdf, 2.2 MB]
Title: Mass Rules, Shell Models, and the Structure of Hadrons
Authors: Paolo Palazzi
Date: 2014-06-05
Subject: Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Comments: 61 pages, slides from a FIAS Colloquium, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, June 5, 2014